How to care for your PLA Products

How do you store and care for your clear cold cups made from PLA?
Store them in a cool place below 110°F and out of direct sunlight. Avoid Food Truck storage, storage facilities that are not temperature controlled, or storage next to kitchen appliances that generate heat.
While they may look and feel like typical plastic, they require different care. Remember PLA is designed to breakdown at a commercial composting facility, so it's important to avoid conditions that would promote disintegration ~ and heat is a component of the composting process.
Alternative plant-based options are available if you are concerned about safely storing your PLA.
Store them in a cool place below 110°F and out of direct sunlight. Avoid Food Truck storage, storage facilities that are not temperature controlled, or storage next to kitchen appliances that generate heat.
While they may look and feel like typical plastic, they require different care. Remember PLA is designed to breakdown at a commercial composting facility, so it's important to avoid conditions that would promote disintegration ~ and heat is a component of the composting process.
Alternative plant-based options are available if you are concerned about safely storing your PLA.